Traffic Regulation Order – 24-021 Manor Road, Saltford (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles)
(Article updated 7 August 2024 to include SPC’s resolved response to the consultation – see last section of page)
Residents have been invited to respond to a B&NES Council public consultation to close a section of Manor Road (lane) south of Montague Road to motor vehicles.
Please view the B&NES Council Traffic Regulation Notice page for the 24-021 consultation at (Documents associated with the consultation can be found in the right-hand bar of the B&NES Council website page).
The consultation ends on 15 August, and representations can be submitted to B&NES Council directly by writing to: Traffic Management Team, Bath and North East Somerset Council, Lewis House, Manvers Street, BATH, BA1 1JG or by email to: TROs@BATHNES.GOV.UK
SPC will resolve its response to this Traffic Regulation Order consultation at its Tuesday 6 August meeting.
This proposal is shown on the drawing below (also in B&NES’s report 3 and ‘Traffic Proposal documents):
B&NES Council has provided background to the proposal in its reports for the Traffic Regulation Order, as follows:
“Following requests from Ward Members and the Parish Council, funding has been secured to close a section a Manor Road, Saltford to motor vehicles.
This section of Manor Road is a narrow single track lane which is heavily used by pedestrians, equestrians, and cyclists, with very few passing places.
Although there is no access to residential properties along this section of road, we are proposing to install removable bollards so land owners can have access to farm land if required and the road can continue to be maintained by BANES council for verge cutting, gully clearing and any other routine maintenance.
It is anticipated that closing this section of Manor Road it will improve road safety for pedestrians, equestrians, and cyclists within this rural setting”.
The above document is available to download from B&NES Council’s TRO page for the consultation, and provides additional information about the bollards proposed and their exact location at either end of Manor Road ‘lane’. The gaps between the bollards will be wide enough to allow horse riders through.
Saltford Parish Council first requested that B&NES Council close Manor Road ‘lane’ to motor vehicles in July 2023, in support of the same request made by Ward Cllr Duncan Hounsell, and in March 2024 SPC received confirmation that B&NES Council had dedicated funds towards the scheme. B&NES Council’s Saltford Ward Councillor Duncan Hounsell’s request to B&NES Council has been welcomed by SPC, and SPC with Ward Cllr Hounsell has inputted into correspondence with B&NES Council officers to help achieve the scheme. In May 2024, SPC Ward Councillors Gary Graveling and Sally Turner met with Ward Cllr Duncan Hounsell and B&NES Officers to walk the proposed closure area and discuss initial considerations.
Ward Cllr Duncan Hounsell, SPC Cllr Gary Graveling, and SPC Cllr Sally Turner at Manor Road ‘lane’ in May 2024.
For information about SPC’s request and the update in March, please view SPC’s news article ‘Request for Manor Road ‘lane’ to close to vehicular traffic moves a step closer – £20k budgeted by B&NES‘.
The final step in the decision making process following the request is the requirement of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). A public consultation must form part of the TRO process. This public consultation opened on 25 July and will close on 15 August.
To respond to the consultation, please view the information Notice of Intent and Traffic Proposal documents on the B&NES Council Traffic Regulation page. This states:
“Objections and representations with respect to the proposal, together with the grounds on which they are made, must be sent in writing by the above date to the Council at the following addresses: Traffic Management Team, Bath and North East Somerset Council, Lewis House, Manvers Street, BATH, BA1 1JG or TROs@BATHNES.GOV.UK “
Reasons why SPC requested a consultation:
As shared in the article linked above from March 2024, SPC requested the closure to create a safer environment for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders as well as to encourage and aid ‘active travel’.
Manor Road ‘lane’ (running parallel to Montague Road) in Saltford forms the original route towards Keynsham from Saltford prior to the Manor Lawns estate being built in the late 20th century. The narrow, historic lane is used by many walkers, cyclists and horse riders. It is open for use by vehicular traffic (20mph), although it is not permitted for HGV use.
Currently there is minimal space for a vehicle to pass other users on the narrow lane. There are no pavements for the entire lane nor dedicated places of refuge. Manor Road ‘lane’ is also used by some motorists as a ‘rat run’ when there are traffic issues in other parts of the village, which has added to SPC’s safety and access concerns, especially as it is not possible for two vehicles to pass each other on the majority of this stretch of highway. Most light vehicle traffic journeys in this part of the village (e.g. by cars) use Montague Road which runs parallel with Manor Road ‘lane’.
This section of lane has level access and if closed to vehicles would be safer for those looking to walk, ride and wheel in a rural setting.
Update 7 August: SPC’s response to 24-021 Manor Road, Saltford (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles) consultation
SPC considered the information shared by B&NES Council on its Traffic Regulation Order page, and consider this at its August meeting. A decision about SPC’s view was resolved and submitted ahead of the consultation end date of 15 August. Residents were welcome to attend and speak at SPC’s meeting on any agenda item that the Council was resolving a a view on, including this B&NES Council consultation.
SPC’s response is as follows:
Saltford Parish Council (SPC) supports B&NES Councils proposals for ‘24-021 Manor Road, Saltford (Prohibition of Motor Vehicles)’ as outlined in the TRO information.
SPC supports the closure of this narrow, historic lane to motor vehicles as it will create a safer and more accessible environment for non-motor vehicle users including pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.
SPC recognises that there is good alternative highway provision for motor vehicles on the section of Montague Road that runs parallel with Manor Road ‘lane’, and as such prohibiting motor traffic on the lane will not impact traffic flow or motor vehicle access to any areas of the village.
With regards to safety, SPC supports the closure of the lane to motor vehicles in consideration of the lack of pavements for the entire lane, lack of dedicated places of refuge for non-motor vehicle users, and lack of dedicated ‘passing places’ for two motor vehicles to pass.
The use of Montague Road for all motor traffic will also remove instances of gridlock on Manor Road ‘lane’, especially noticeable when the lane is used as a ‘rat run’. Currently, safety issues arise due to oncoming vehicles being unable to pass with ease and also due to unintentional use by HGVs (not permitted, but signage often missed). Both can create blockages on Manor Road ‘lane’ and result in hazardous reversal manoeuvres that put other users of the lane at risk.
Specifically, SPC supports the proposal to close the lane to motor vehicles as it will encourage and aid ‘active travel’ at this location.
In particular, due to its location and the level nature of the lane, SPC recognises that the closure to motor vehicles is especially beneficial when looking to accommodate the ‘active travel’ needs of under-represented groups, such as children, the elderly, or people with disabilities.
Closure of Manor Road ‘lane’ to motor vehicles would also improve access to Saltford’s rural setting (particularly for under-represented groups) due to Manor Road ‘lane’ being situated close to the Saltford Housing Boundary whilst also being in Saltford’s green belt (and also the area referred to as the Saltford Area of Great Landscape Value) and the well-being benefits associated with access to green spaces.
To find out more about upcoming SPC meetings, please view our ‘Meetings – Agendas and Minutes‘ page. Residents are reminded that they are encouraged to submit views directly to B&NES Council to ensure their views are noted by the responsible authority (B&NES Council is the Highways Authority for Saltford).
SPC’s August meeting took place on Tuesday 6 August at 7:15pm in the Avon Room. Draft minutes are usually published approximately a week following a meeting, on SPC’s noticeboard and website.