Council responsibilities - Saltford Parish Council

Saltford Churchyard

Much of the Parish Council’s work involves persuading other authorities and bodies to carry out work for the benefit of Saltford. Responsibilities are carried out by the Councillors individually and collectively, supported by the Parish Clerk who provides administration. For more information see Parish Council.

Saltford Parish Council (SPC) manages its own budget and is financed primarily via raising a precept each year, which is collected as part of the Council tax. This money can be spent within the powers allowed to parish councils, and is used to improve facilities and services in the village for the benefit of residents. For more information see finances.

Saltford Parish Council is responsible for the management of St Mary’s (closed) Churchyard, the management of the Wick House allotments. Please find more information below.

SPC is also responsible for several assets in the village, which it looks after on behalf of the Saltford community. SPC’s assets include the war memorial railings, two ex-BT red phone boxes (on Norman Road and High Street), the youth shelter and the two Fairtrade Village signs.

Most of the services affecting Saltford are the responsibility of Bath & North East Somerset Council (B&NES) or other bodies such as Avon and Somerset Police, the Environment Agency, or those supplied by private agencies. For more information on how to contact the relevant bodies see planning and report it . Saltford Parish Council acts within its powers and the law, and as such cannot take on responsibilities belonging to another council or agency.

A Public Forum 

The Parish Council is a forum for people’s views. The Council includes public time as an agenda item at all of its meetings. The Parish Council has hosted additional public meetings on specific issues such as the possible re-opening of Saltford’s railway station, the planning application for housing development in Green Belt at Manor Road, and the wish to re-open ‘permissive’ paths around Saltford.

The Planning Process 

The Parish Council has a role in the planning process. All planning applications are passed to the Parish Council for its viewpoint although final decision-making rests with B&NES Council, the planning authority. SPC generally responds to all planning consultations received. For more information see Planning.

Community Engagement 

The Parish Council seeks to promote community engagement. For example, there is an annual community award scheme to recognise the efforts and achievement of individuals in the village. For more information see Community Awards.

Saltford Parish Council aims to engage with residents by keeping them up to date with council decisions and activities. This is achieved through communications via its website (see Latest News‘) the e-newsletter (sign up here), a full page in each edition of S.C.A.N, and its Facebook and Twitter pages.

Financial Assistance Grants 

The Parish Council sets aside a small amount of money each year for financial assistance grants that local groups can apply for to support an initiative or development that would benefit the residents of Saltford. For more information see Grants.

Links with other organisations

St Mary’s Churchyard 

The churchyard at St Mary’s in Saltford is owned by the church, however Saltford Parish Council has responsibility for the safety management of St Mary’s churchyard because it is categorised as a “closed” churchyard.

Saltford Parish Council contracts a grounds maintenance company to maintain the churchyard site (not including individual graves and memorials, as these are privately owned). A specification for the grounds maintenance of St Mary’s churchyard is reviewed annually, usually in January, with a contractor quote agreed in February at the Parish Council meeting. The reviewed specification commences with the appointed contractor on 1st March each year.

SPC is also responsible for the safety management of safety on site such as the trees, walls and paths. It also annually checks memorials in the churchyard for safety and stability. SPC reviews its ‘Safety Management at St Mary’s Churchyard’ working document every other January.

Saltford Parish Council carries out biannual inspections of the churchyard grounds – usually every March and October – and a report making recommendations for actions are discussed at the following meeting. For information about churchyard inspections at St Mary’s Churchyard, please view SPC’s agendas and minutes, where inspections are usually mentioned in March and October. Outcomes following inspections are mentioned in subsequent agendas and minutes. SPC’s agendas and minutes are displayed on its noticeboard and website.

Further to above, for more information about the Parish Council’s role in safety management at St Mary’s Churchyard, please contact Saltford Parish Council directly.

In addition to biannual inspections, Councillors and the Clerk visit the site regularly, and four Councillors are members of the ‘Churchyard Safety, Churchyard and Allotments Maintenance Working Group’.

Allotment Site 

The Parish Council has oversight of the Wick House Close allotment site.  This small site, owned by Curo and managed by the Parish Council, has plots (both ‘half’ and ‘full’) available for Saltford residents. In 2024/25 the rents are £25 per year for a full plot and £15 per year for a half plot, as reviewed by Councillors annually. This location map shows where the Wick House Allotments are situated.

The Parish Council runs two waiting lists for the site: one for Curo tenants and one for other Saltford residents (our agreed policy with Curo is to alternate between the two lists). For enquiries or to go on one of the waiting lists, contact with your name, address, phone number and email address (address must be in Saltford). Please be aware that interest in becoming an allotment tenant is currently high, so it may take some time to reach the top of the waiting list. Unfortunately, SPC cannot state how long it will take to reach the top of the waiting list. Those at the top of the waiting list are offered the first vacant plot that becomes available, whether a ‘half’ or ‘full’ plot.

Anyone wishing to go on the allotment waiting list must be a Saltford resident at the time that the tenancy agreement is signed. Once at the top of the list and a plot becomes available, any prospective tenant will be invited to view the plot prior to signing a tenancy agreement with the Parish Council.

Please note that there is no running water at the Wick House Close allotments.

Links with other organisations

In addition to consultation with B&NES on many matters the Parish Council has close links – and Councillors and the Clerk attend meetings with – other relevant organisations. These include:

Saltford Community Association

Keynsham Area Forum

Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Parishes Liaison meetings 

River Avon Users’ Consultative Committee

Saltford Business Network

Saltford Environment GroupSaltford Fair Trade Group 

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