Finance - Saltford Parish Council

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Saltford Parish Council acts according to its ‘Financial Regulations’ to ensure that it is managing its income and spend according to set procedures at all times. SPC’s Financial Regulations are reviewed annually. Saltford Parish Council continues to strive to provide the best value for money for all of the Saltford community.

Parish councils primarily raise money from people in the parish by levying a parish precept which is collected as part of your property rates (B&NES council tax).

For information about how Saltford Parish Council spends its precept, proposed and agreed spend is included under ‘financial matters’ in SPC’s agendas and minutes. The schedule of expenditure and monthly financial report are published alongside the agenda, to be approved at the meeting. Published minutes include copies of monthly financial report and schedules of expenditure.


Saltford Parish Council spends its precept to provide services which it judges to be necessary or of importance to the community, as well as running costs and costs associated with its assets and responsibilities.

Parish Councils have set minimum level of reserves, which need to be maintained on the advice of the auditor. Due to increase in costs in 2022/23 alongside an unexpected significant spend required on the churchyard walls, Saltford Parish Council required use of its reserves during 2022/23. Due to the churchyard wall works required, this included the Council resolving to go below its minimum recommended levels on the grounds of Health and Safety (and to avoid incurring possible further costs should the walls have deteriorated further if no action had been taken).

The need to continue to rebuild reserves was taken into account at SPC’s draft budget setting meeting in December 2023. At its January 2024 meeting, SPC formally agreed its budget for the 2024/25 year. It was resolved that SPC would increase its precept by 13.7% in 2024/25, from £49,534 in 2023/24 to £56,320 in 2024/25. This decision reflected SPC’s position as a fiscally responsible Council, with the change to the precept allowing the Council to meet its costs and to build SPC’s reserves back to recommended minimum levels over three years.

Following receipt of Saltford’s tax base from B&NES Council, an average Band D property (Band D is used as the national comparison) in Saltford will pay £30.69 p.a. This is a £3.61 per year increase for an average Band D property (an increase of c.30p per calendar month). Although SPC has agreed an increase of its precept of 13.7%, as the Tax Base for Saltford has increased for 2024/25, please note on the Council Tax letter to be received by residents it will translate to an increase of 13.3% for each household.

Town and parish councils across Bath and North East Somerset set their budgets independently, and the charges range from £0 to £174.91. The average parish precept for a Band D property in the B&NES Council area for 2024/25 is £54.34 (a increase of 10.81%), compared to Saltford’s at £30.69.

From a national perspective, the average Band D precept charged by Town and Parish Councils for 2024/25 is £85.88, an increase of £6.74 or 8.5%. Nationally, Parish precepts in 2024/25 will total £783 million. 

Saltford Parish Council consistently levies one of the lowest precepts in the B&NES Council area. In Bath and North East Somerset there are 44 parish councils, 3 town councils, 3 parish meetings and one village council. Saltford has the seventh largest population out of all the parished areas. In 2024/25, SPC levied the fourth lowest precept for an average Band D property when compared to the c.50 precepted areas in B&NES.

SPC shares information about its precept on its social media pages (Facebook and Twitter), SPC’s e-newsletter and SCAN page, as well as on its noticeboard. Spend throughout the year is resolved at meetings, which members of the public are welcome to attend and speak on any agenda item. SPC is transparent with all its spend, and follows its ‘Financial Regulations’ to ensure that it is managing its income and spend according to set procedures at all times. For information about how SPC spends its income including the precept, financial matters are recorded in SPC’s full council minutes. Monthly financial reports and schedules of expenditure are publicised at least three clear days before a full council meeting on SPC’s website and noticeboard. Full council minutes subsequently include monthly financial reports and schedules of expenditure (to view these please scroll to the end of each set of minutes).

Saltford Parish Council’s annual accounting statements and audit information can be found below under ‘Audit’.

The overall amount of Council Tax you pay via B&NES Council is based on the valuation band of your property and any discounts or exemptions you may be entitled to. For more information about Council Tax, please view B&NES Council’s website. Their ‘What is Council Tax‘ page explains how property bandings are calculated.

Residents can have their say about SPC’s precept during Full Council meetings under the ‘Public Time’ item when the precept is being discussed and resolved. SPC’s precept is usually on SPC’s January agenda (though on occasion has been on the December agenda). To view SPC’s agendas please see our ‘Meetings – Agendas and Minutes‘ page and noticeboard. SPC also signposts to agendas via its social media channels.

As a Parish Council, SPC’s accounts must be published, audited and open to public inspection. Each spring an internal audit takes place (carried out by an external company) and the Internal Audit Certificate is signed off for the year’s AGAR (Annual Governance and Accountability Return) known as the external audit. Saltford Parish Council’s annual accounting statements and audit information can be found below.

Annual accounting statements and audit information

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a planning charge, payable on new developments, such as housing, supermarkets and hotels. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was introduced by the Planning Act 2008 as a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area. The charge is administered by B&NES Council, and Saltford Parish Council receives a set proportion.

CIL receipts received by Saltford Parish Council are used to serve residents. SPC Councillors resolved to spend income from CIL for ‘enhancing Saltford’s community facilities, amenities, and infrastructure’.

To see how CIL receipts have been spent please view the Annual Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) reports below.

Annual Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Report 2023/24

Annual Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Report 2022/23

Annual Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Report 2021/22

Annual Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Report 2020/21

Annual Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Report 2019/20

Annual Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Report 2018/19

Annual Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Report 2017/18 

Saltford Parish Council sets aside a small amount of money each year for financial assistance grants that local groups can apply for to support an initiative or development that would benefit the residents of Saltford.

How much does SPC have for grants?

In 2024/25, £1000 was allocated to Saltford PC’s annual grants budget for all ‘miscellaneous’ applications.

A further £500 of grant funding has been allocated by SPC for local environmental initiatives. This is new for 2024/25.

SPC can also look to spend funds from its annual CIL budget (see above).

SPC will allocate a proposed budget line (e.g. ‘Grants’, ‘Grants – Environment’, or ‘CIL’) when the application is to be discussed. Applicants do not need to state this on their application form.

SPC receives several applications annually, and applications can be made throughout the financial year. As standard with any spend, decisions made by the Council will be in consideration of its budget lines.

How to apply for SPC grant funding

Any application to SPC for a grant must be in line with the Council’s grants policy or else it cannot be considered by the Council.

Applicants are strongly advised to read SPC’s Grant Application Guide and Policy to find out more about criteria, conditions and the application process prior to submitting an application.

If eligible, please complete a Grant Application Form and send it to the Parish Clerk along with the supporting documentation mentioned in the guide and policy.

Receipt of your application form will be acknowledged, and you will be informed of the date of the meeting that the application will be discussed at.

SPC welcome applicants to meetings to speak during ‘Public Time’ in support of their application (three minutes, in line with Public Engagement Guidelines), and if required to answer any questions the Council may have prior to resolving a decision. For more information about SPC meetings, please view SPC’s ‘Meetings – Agendas and Minutes‘ page.

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