Saltford Parish Council held its annual Community Awards from 2016 to 2022. At Saltford Parish Council’s November 2022 meeting (please find minutes on this page) the Council agreed to discontinue with the awards and instead in future years celebrate the many volunteers in the village at a ‘Big Thank You’, co-hosted with the Saltford Community Association (SCA) and held as part of Saltford’s Annual Parish Meeting. It is hoped that c.100+ volunteers in the village will gather each spring as an opportunity for SPC and SCA to thank those who give up their time for, or who have made a significant contribution to, the local community.
Community Awards 2022
The SPC Community Awards 2022 ceremony was held on 1st April at Saltford Hall. The ceremony followed Saltford’s Annual Parish Meeting, and was a joint ‘big thank you’ celebration with the Saltford Community Association. There were six award winners, and SPC was delighted to award them with their certificates in front of around 100 residents. Each winner donated their £75 prize to a local charity or organisation.
The 2022 winners are as follows:
Achievement Award – Kate Lamb
Kate Lamb was awarded an Achievement Award due to her longstanding contribution to the Saltford Lawn Tennis Club. Kate has been the Membership Secretary for many years and has also holds the role of Secretary. The person who nominated Kate shared: ‘With Covid-19, Kate has had a very busy two years and has been key to the Club’s record membership this year. As a result, we would like her volunteering to be recognised by the wider community through an SPC award. Kate can be relied on to also volunteer at our Open days, maintenance sessions and fundraising events… In addition to the large number of volunteer hours, Kate gives to the tennis club, she has also volunteered as a marshal for the Covid vaccination centres and is a volunteer role model helping the community in more ways than one’. Kate requested that her £75 prize fund be donated to Saltford Lawn Tennis Club’s new clubhouse project. (Unfortunately Kate was unable to attend the Community Awards ceremony).
Achievement Award – Hilary Hallett
SPC holds the volunteers at the Saltford Community Library and Post Office in high regard, and was pleased to recognise Hilary Hallett for her time and efforts to raise money for the PO and Library. The supportive comment on the nomination was: ‘Hilary has, since the Saltford Community Post Office and Library opened, supplied beautiful cards for the library to sell. A 100% of the proceeds from the cards supplied to the library go to supporting Saltford’s Community Post Office and Library, with the costs of the cards coming from her own pocket. Hilary is so kind to do this, and her cards are very popular – we believe she makes the PO and Library about £500 a year!’ Hilary has requested that her £75 prize is donated to the Saltford Community Library and PO Hub.
Achievement Award – Sylvia Dando
Sylvia Dando is a key member of the Saltford Community Association management team and has been the domestic officer for at least ten years. Duties include arranging resources, buying, recycling and donating, the cleaner rota, – plus in particular the need for stringent cleaning requirements during the pandemic ensuring Saltford Hall could open to its users. Further to her role on the SCA Management Team, the person who nominated Sylvia shared that: ‘It is difficult to know all of the ways in which Sylvia has contributed to the well-being of Saltford residents as she is a person who is modest and does not advertise all that she does. Sylvia participates directly in the running of the cafe which is open for numerous events at the hall and is an essential part of the SCA’s fundraising. Sylvia also contributed to the Saltford hub during the pandemic, being on duty for many months, including taking calls, actioning events, answering emails. Again, Sylvia’s sympathetic and clear-sighted approach has been invaluable Sylvia is also known to help her neighbours, support the Saltford Morning WI and other organisations, and helped set up Saltford Computer café. Sylvia is also part of an International Friendship Group, which arranges exchange visits between Saltford residents and people from many overseas countries and thus brings many overseas visitors to the village’. Sylvia has requested that her prize money is donated to the SCA.
Volunteer Team of the Year – Saltford Scouts Leadership and Management Team
Saltford Parish Council received three separate nominations for the Saltford Scouts Leadership and Management Team, demonstrating the huge appreciation in the community for the team that leads the Saltford Scouts. Some of the comments received on the nomination forms were as follows: The 1st Saltford Scout Group provides an invaluable service to children in Saltford and the local area. It is an opportunity for children from all backgrounds to be part of a local group within a global organisation. It provides them with opportunities that they often wouldn’t otherwise have. They can make new friends, take part in activities, learn new skills, have new experiences, take part in challenges, work towards awards, take part in community and global activities and generally have fun. The team recognises the scouts as individuals and strive to sensitively meet their needs and help them to develop in a positive way. The leaders are all volunteers who give up their time for free to ensure the children can get the maximum out of being a Scout. In addition to attending the weekly meetings, the leaders also spend a lot more of their own time planning and setting up activities, carrying out risk assessments, liaising with parents, completing records, maintaining the scout hut and equipment and undertaking their own training. The leaders also give up whole weekends and use their annual leave to be able to take the scouts away on weekend camps and for a week’s camp in the summer. Each leader has their own skill set and role that they bring to the team ensuring that the team as a whole works efficiently and competently. Some of the leaders have given up to 40 years of service. Since the onset of the pandemic, the volunteer leaders have recognised the need to maintain some normality and support for the scouts and have worked tirelessly to provide a programme of activities for them. This helped our local children in so many ways to get through the most difficult and unprecedented times. We also wish to raise to SPC’s attention the contribution that each of the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts have made in supporting each other and the wider community of Saltford. The prize money has been donated to the Saltford Scouts who will use it to continue their excellent work with young people in Saltford.
Business in the Community Award – Clarkson’s Independent Funeral Directors, Saltford Branch
Saltford Parish Council recognises the importance of a local professional and caring Funeral Directors service and as such is pleased to award family firm ‘Clarkson’s Independent Funeral Directors – Saltford Branch’ the Business in the Community Award. Led by Alana Hurst, the value of a community focussed local funeral directors has been even more apparent during the past couple of years when operating during the COVID19 pandemic. Lockdowns and tight COVID restrictions made funeral services an even more challenging time for residents who had lost loved ones during this period. Clarkson’s Independent Funeral Directors stepped up during these difficult times, and ensured that they were always there to listen and help people throughout the entire process, as they continue to be today. The person nominating Clarkson’s Saltford Branch stated “Through the Covid-19 Pandemic Clarkson’s have been ever present for the Community of Saltford. Quietly and professionally being there in the very difficult times providing their services and support without fuss, complaint and with dignity. They are excellent at supporting people when they have been in most need”. Clarkson’s Independent Funeral Directors have chosen to donate their £75 prize to the Saltford Community Post Office and Library Hub.
Chair’s Award – Simon Carpenter and the team ‘Saltford – Walking through the geological past’ leadlet
The special ‘Chair’s Award’ goes to the team behind the ‘Saltford – Walking through the geological past’ leaflet. The team, led by Simon Carpenter, created a new circular geology trail walking guide, produced so that residents and visitors to Saltford can explore the local geology of the village for themselves. The descriptive walking guide is available as a free downloadable pdf (and also as a handy full colour printed guide from Saltford Environment Group, information is on SEG’s ‘Walks of Saltford’ page). The supportive comment on the nomination was: I would like to nominate this team for the production of the guide / walking companion. It adds to and delivers on our knowledge of Saltford on so many levels. A history of the geological past for residents, our School children, and visitors. The guide itself is full of photographs, advice, a fine map and a where to go if you want to find out more section. The guide highlights Saltford as an important Geological site. It adds to our knowledge and provides a great example of how a team can come together to increase our knowledge of Saltford’s past. The team have chosen to donate their £75 prize to the Saltford Environment Group.
Saltford Parish Council congratulates all the winners of its 2022 Community Awards, and thanks all wider members of the community – many of whom attended the evening event – whose efforts make Saltford such a caring and special place to live and work.
Community Awards 2021
Saltford Parish Council (SPC) agreed the winners of its Community Awards 2021 its April meeting. For 2021 only SPC agreed to add additional categories to its Community Awards to recognise the amazing efforts of the Saltford community during the COVID19 pandemic. Following repeated postponements due to the COVID19 pandemic, SPC was delighted to host the SPC Community Awards ceremony on Friday 10th September at Saltford Hall. Winners are as follows:
Outstanding Contribution (COVID19 Response) – Saltford Support Hub
The Saltford Support Hub was chosen by Councillors to receive the ‘Outstanding Contribution – COVID19 response’ special award, an award created in recognition of the Hub’s outstanding contribution to the community since March 2019. The Saltford Support Hub’s remarkable response and extensive programme of support for the village due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been nothing short of remarkable. The work of the Hub has shown Saltford at its best as a caring community. The support for vulnerable residents shielding during the pandemic – and especially during three lockdowns – was invaluable and reassuring for so many. On going support includes the ‘Saltford Hardship Fund’ as well as opening up employment initiatives for residents. Due to the numerous teams and individuals involved in the Hub, SPC wishes to recognise the Saltford Support Hub as the umbrella organisation through its awards scheme, though sincerely thanks each and every person involved.
The Saltford Support Hub has chosen to donate their prize to the Saltford Community Association to fund outside facilities for users of the Avon Room at Saltford Hall.
Chair’s Award – The staff team at Tesco in Saltford, and the staff team at Day Lewis pharmacy in Saltford
This special award follows nominations by the Chair of SPC, Cllr Chris Warren, to acknowledge the friendly and supportive service given to customers at Tesco and Day Lewis Pharmacy, especially during periods of lockdown when their staff were working in challenging circumstances and restrictions. The efforts made by staff to help serve Saltford residents was much appreciated, and in the Chair’s view – and as voted on by full council – deserving of public recognition. Day Lewis Pharmacy staff have chosen to donate their prize to Parkinson’s UK Bath and District Branch. (SPC is awaiting to hear which good cause the staff at Tesco Saltford wish their prize fund to go towards, unfortunately members of the Tesco staff team were unable to attend the ceremony).
Volunteer Team of the Year – Saltford District Girl Guides and Brownies
SPC has given this award in recognition of the leadership of the volunteers who run the Girl Guides and Brownies, especially during the past difficult year, where the team’s initiatives allowed the girls to continue to interact via Zoom during a time where there was a lack of contact between peers. This was viewed as invaluable by the person who nominated the team for the Volunteer Team of the Year award. Further, SPC recognises the long-standing efforts and achievements of the Saltford District Girl Guides and Brownies, and the positive impact that your team has on the local community. The Saltford District Girl Guides and Brownies will put their prize towards some great activities for their members to enjoy.
Volunteer Team of the Year (COVID19 Response) – Saltford Scrubs
The Saltford Scrubs efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic was greatly admired by the Council, and the team’s crucial support to local hospitals, hospices and care homes was highly valued by many. The person nominating the Saltford Scrubs stated: “They have been and are still are providing free sets of scrubs to local hospitals, the Children’s Hospice South West, carers and local care homes. Since all clothing has to be washed each day at 60 degrees this takes a terrific toll on fabrics and scrubs are vital to wear under PPE. The group have also made laundry bags for the scrubs, masks for vulnerable and elderly people in the village, Fiddle bags for dementia sufferers and bunting (from scraps) for the Saltford Hall”. On receiving the award, Saltford Scrubs (now renamed Skrubs+) co-ordinator Angela contacted SPC to say “Saltford Scrubs grew from an initial chat between Tanya & I into a group of almost 100 in a very short space of time during April 2020 in response to the pandemic and the urgent need for PPE. Apart from those who signed up to our group to sew, wash, iron, dye fabric, make deliveries and carry out administration, we couldn’t have achieved anything without numerous donations of linen & bedding from all our neighbours in the local BS31 community, so our thanks go to all those who supported us in any way. Group members were delighted to have won & we held a vote regarding the which organisation should be the beneficiary of your prize. The unanimous verdict was that it should go to Saltford Community Association“.
Achievement Award – Maurice Short
Maurice Short was recognised via SPC’s Awards following his many years of substantial contribution to the community as a volunteer, particularly both as a SPC Councillor in the 1990s and as special constable in the area in the 1960s and 1970s.
Maurice has donated his prize to the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity.
Achievement Award – Mark Smee
Mark was nominated for an SPC award in recognition of his many years of volunteering for the Saltford Scouts, and especially the difference he has made to the younger generation in Saltford over almost 40 years. The time, commitment and enthusiastic way he has delivered Scouting – and the positive effect this has had on our village over so many years – is greatly valued and Cllrs were unanimous in agreeing that Mark’s contribution was deserving of recognition through its community awards. Mark has donated his prize award to the Saltford Scouts.
Achievement Award (COVID19 Response) – Ann Britton
SPC is pleased to award Ann in recognition of her contribution to the community during the COVID19 pandemic. Her tireless work as a nurse and particularly vaccinating residents against COVID19 is highly valued – the person who nominated Ann declared her ‘an unsung Saltford hero’! Ann has contacted SPC to let us know that she would like her prize to go to the Saltford Environment Group. (Unfortunately Ann was unable to attend the ceremony).
Achievement Award (COVID19 Response) – Trish Hubbard
Trish has been given an Achievement Award (COVID19 response) in recognition of her contribution to the community during the COVID19 pandemic, when she kept the Saltford Community Post Office open to deliver a key service throughout lockdowns when permitted, as well as ensuring that the post office was a COVID19 secure environment. SPC also recognises the importance of the friendly welcome Trish gave to those who used the PO during this time – Councillors recognised that those for whom the trip to the PO was one of the few times they left home or met another person in the week that such a welcome was greatly valued during difficult times.
Trish has chosen to donate her prize to Saltford Community Library.
Business of the Year (COVID19 Response) – Saltford Golf Club
Saltford Golf Club has been given an SPC award in recognition of the highly valued access to green space by residents during the lockdowns experienced during the COVID19 pandemic. SPC greatly appreciates Saltford Golf Club recognising the need for residents to exercise in pleasant local surroundings during difficult times when travel was severely restricted. Many residents expressed thanks to Saltford Golf Club on SPC’s social media pages for being allowed access.
The prize awarded to the Golf Club will go to its Club Captain’s Charity Fund, which this year is raising funds to help the fight against Multiple Sclerosis. (Unfortunately no representatives of the Golf Club were able to attend the ceremony).
Young Person of the Year – Theo Young
Theo’s efforts regarding fund raising during COVID19 as well as helping with maintenance projects at the Scout Hut make him a highly worthy winner. The person nominating Theo highlighted the many ways that he has contributed both to Saltford and wider fundraising initiatives, and stated that ‘his willingness to help others and positivity are a great example to others, and he is a credit to himself and the village as a whole’. Saltford Parish Council is delighted to award such a positive and active person with the ‘Young Person of the Year’ award.
Theo has chosen to donate his prize money to the Saltford Scouts, and we’ve been informed he has some great ideas on what it’s going to go towards!
Community Awards 2020
Nominations were considered by Councillors at the end of the March 2020 meeting (during a closed session where the public are excluded).
SPC are pleased to announce the winners as follows:
Volunteer Team of the Year – Saltford Wombles
Comment by nominators: “Amazing and relentless work getting Saltford clean and tidy. Barbara Turner, leader and volunteer coordinator of the Saltford Wombles, is very dedicated to keeping Saltford clean. She has been out on her own on many days including New Year’s Day picking up litter along the A4. Her commitment to this – and the efforts of all the Saltford Wombles – needs to be recognised”. The Saltford Wombles have used their prize money to fund items used for litter picking in Saltford.
Volunteer Group of the Year – Saltford Sports Club Management Team
Comment by Cllr Duncan Hounsell: “The management team has worked very hard to improve facilities on a tight budget and has shown resilience, determination, and initiative over many years to provide a valued community asset and opportunities for sport and recreation to people of all ages in the village. The management team is very worthy of a community award in recognition of its effort and success”. The Saltford Sports Club Management Team have used their prize fund for planting flowers and shrubs by the playing fields and sports club building. (Unfortunately representatives of the Saltford Sports Club were unable to attend the ceremony).
Achievement Award – Esther Welch
Comment by Cllr Marie Carder: “Esther’s volunteering includes preparing, cooking and serving food both at the Saltford Day Centre, as well as at the at Saltford Community Association fundraising events – including making curry for 120 people, aided by willing helpers. A neighbour has recently been incapacitated and she often cooks meals for him. She is an inspiration to others, and is a very kind and supportive person, an asset to the community”. Esther has donated her prize fund to the Saltford Community Association, to put towards hot meals being delivered to members of the Saltford community during the pandemic. (Unfortunately Esther was unable to attend the ceremony).
Achievement Award – Neil Baker
Comment by Cllr Jon Godfrey: “Neil has served the community of Saltford for thirty two years as a teacher and countless pupils will have benefited from his expertise. Neil founded Saltford School’s camps in Years Four, Five and Six which have provided valuable team building opportunities for these year groups. He has also led on the school’s performing arts and directed numerous school shows, supporting children in building their creativity and resilience”. Neil retired from Saltford School in July 2020. Neil has donated his prize fund to the Keynsham and Saltford Foodbank.
Business in the Community Award – iTeam Solutions
Comment by Cllr Duncan Hounsell: “iTeam solutions provides all the IT requirements for the Saltford Business Network (SBN) on a voluntary basis. The business was a founder member of SBN and has played a pivotal role in the establishment and growth of SBN, a support organisation for local businesses and traders. The contribution of iTeam Solutions has helped to achieve many of SBN’s objectives, including encouraging local people and companies to use Saltford based businesses, providing mutual support for members, and highlighting local employment opportunities”. iTeam Solutions have donated their prize fund to the Keynsham and Saltford Foodbank, and also matched the donation made on their behalf. (Unfortunately representatives of iTeam Solutions were unable to attend the ceremony).
Winners as follows:
Saltford Achievement Award – Julie Sampson
Saltford Achievement Award – Mary Stoate
Saltford Achievement Award – Catherine Singleton
Saltford Achievement Award – Kevin Reeves
Volunteer Team Award – Saltford Primary School Parent TeacherAssociation
Volunteer Team Award – Saltford Community Hub Library Volunteers
Business in the Community Award – Saltford Community Library and Post Office
Saltford Achievement Award – Julie Sampson (Saltford Wombles)
Julie through a mix of her own personal enthusiasm and determination set up SEG’s Saltford Wombles at the end of 2014 to tackle litter in Saltford. She obtained all the necessary equipment (litter picks, protective gloves, fluorescent tabards etc.) and organised very effective monthly litter picks.
Julie stepped down from organising Saltford Wombles in 2018 and handed over the group to a new organiser in fine form and it continues to prove very popular and effective in the village. Saltford Wombles engages effectively with many members of the community and has included litter picks with Saltford School.
Julie has chosen to donate her £70 donation to the ‘Green Team’ at Saltford School, so that they can purchase their own litter pickers and hi-vis jackets for the children.
Saltford Achievement Award – Mary Stoate (Saltford Community Library Volunteers) Collected on Mary’s behalf by Ian Purnell
Following the decision by BANES to close Saltford library, Mary took on the task of co-ordinating volunteers so it could re-open as the Saltford Community Library. Her enthusiasm rubbed off on the many resident volunteers (60+ to date) who now give up their time to be at the library which is open six days a week.
The majority of volunteers had no experience of working in a library, so Mary arranged for their initial training programme and has continued to oversee the continual development of the individuals’ skills. Mary also volunteers at the library on a regular basis.
Mary has liaised with South West Libraries, BANES staff and met with their representatives on behalf of the Saltford Community Library and its volunteers. Library membership has grown significantly under Mary’s stewardship.
Mary deserves recognition for her commitment, dedication and above all the hard work she continues to put in to make the Saltford Community Library the success that BANES South West Libraries have acknowledged. Mary has donated her £70 prize to purchase beanbags for the children’s reading area in the library.
Saltford Achievement Award – Catherine Singleton (1st Saltford Scout Group)
Catherine stood down as Group Chair of the 1st Saltford Scout Group at the last AGM after serving for five years. 1st Saltford Scouts includes Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, and Explorers. During her time as Chair, the Wedmore Road scout hut was extended, insulated, and extensively renovated.
Catherine, in her time as Chair, was responsible for the full range of activities and demonstrated leadership, commitment, and initiative. Catherine was a “hands-on” leader taking a full part in all activities on site and at camp, and continued to act as Chair even when there was no longer a direct family connection.
The numbers of children and young people taking part in the 1st Saltford Scout Group well exceeds 100. Catherine has donated her £70 to the Saltford Scouts.
Saltford Achievement Award – Kevin Reeves (Saltford Stars & SBN)
Kevin has given service to Saltford in a number of roles.
In 1993, Kevin shared in the management and oversight of the newly formed Saltford Stars Junior Football Club and continued to actively help the club for a number of years.
Kevin was a Saltford Parish Councillor from 2011 to 2015 and served as Chair of the Planning Committee making good use of his considerable knowledge of building construction, design, and project management. He helped to modernise and refresh the Parish Council’s ways of working.
Kevin played a large part in establishing the independent Saltford Business Network (SBN) and Kevin remains the Chair of the SBN Executive. SBN aims to support local businesses, local business people and the local economy.
Kevin deserves recognition for his contribution to Saltford’s community, and has chosen to donate his £70 prize to the Saltford Day Centre.
Volunteer Team Award – Saltford Primary School Parent Teacher Association (Collected on behalf of the PTA by Ruth Presswood, Emma Willet and Suzanne Young).
Saltford School PTA forms an important link between home and school. All parents/carers and friends of the school are automatically members of the PTA. The PTA at Saltford School organise a huge range of interesting and exciting opportunities for the children and adults of Saltford. Each year the PTA hold the very popular Christmas and Summer fairs which are the main fundraising events of the year. They also organise class cake sales, children’s discos and adult events. For the first time last November they also organised a community fireworks events .
As well as providing fun and social occasions, these events help to raise funds to provide vital extra items of equipment for the school. Many years ago the school swimming pool was built and equipped by the PTA. More recently, purchases for the school have ranged from new computers and smart boards for each classroom, a new heater for the swimming pool, digital cameras, playground artwork and new equipment for the playground.
The 2017/2018 school year was yet another fantastic year for fundraising. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the committee, parents, staff, and everyone who attends the PTA events, a massive £25,700 was raised. £20,000 for installation of new interactive whiteboards, £2,313.71 on books and several thousand pounds worth of learning and play resources.
All members give their time freely, often in the evening after a full day at work. The work of our PTA is more crucial than ever. The PTA were nominated by more than one person for their proactiveness and for all the work they do to raise money for the school. Their £70 donation will go to the PTA to continue to help fund vital extra items of equipment for children at Saltford school.
Volunteer Team Award – Saltford Community Hub Library Volunteers (Collected on behalf of the Volunteers by Bob Wiggins and Marian O’Leary)
The volunteers have engaged enthusiastically with the management team to enable the reopening of Saltford Library for the benefit of the whole village. It is now a thriving hub, with library volunteers offering a warm welcome and practical help to the many residents who come through the door.
Thanks to the time they not only give on a regular basis but through time dedicated to being trained, Saltford residents no longer have to travel to Bath or Keynsham to get our library books.The volunteers not only run the library but by selling greetings cards and stationary they have raised funds which help meet the running costs of the Community Post Office and Library.
Saltford is lucky to have volunteers with such dedication and without their support the library would not be the success and service to residents that it is today.
Business in the Community Award – Saltford Community Library and Post Office (collected by David Halton, Chair, and Fred Smedley, Secretary)
The committee for this group have worked tirelessly to reopen Saltford Community Library and Post Office for the benefit of the whole village.The Management Committee have singlehandedly managed what at times seemed like the almost impossible task of setting up a Post Office again in Saltford, along with the re-opening of a community run library.
Their relentless determination to overcome all the obstacles have enabled Saltford residents to have a Post Office and Library located in the village, offering the many services which are valued by local people, especially amongst those who are not able to easily travel far.
Their passion for the Community Library and Post Office continues, and countless hours are put into its continuation as a key service in the village. Saltford’s residents are most fortunate to have a committee with such drive and energy to make this possible and they thoroughly deserve recognition.
Saltford Parish Council’s 2018 Community Awards were presented at Saltford’s annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 3rd April 2018 at Saltford Hall.
The Saltford Village Festival volunteer team was awarded the Volunteer Team of the Year award. The team plans and executes the biennial Saltford Festival with its huge range of cultural and entertainment activities for all ages.
Individual Achievement awards were given to:
Sheila Bateman – for her dedication as honorary secretary of Saltford Community Association and her wider work for the village over many years.
Sylvia Dando – for her volunteer role as domestic officer for Saltford Community Association and her active work in the community.
Chris Essex – for his leadership, co-ordination and initiative in seeking to create a community post office and retain the village library. Chris is the first person to receive a second individual Achievement award from the Parish Council.
Merrial Knight – for her charity work over many years which directly helped Saltford residents in particular her work with the Keynsham and Saltford Dementia Action Alliance (KDAA).
Steve Johnson – for his work as former chair of Saltford Community Association bringing SCA into the modern era with a vision that embraced the whole community
Clive Shipley received the inaugural Business in the Community award, through his construction company, acting on a voluntary basis as project manager for the recent major refurbishment at Saltford Hall.
Cllr Chris Warren, Chair of Saltford Parish Council, said: “All awards are to recognise those individuals and groups in Saltford that have made and are making a positive contribution to Saltford life, and are showing leadership, initiative or commitment in the local community.”
SPC’s 2017 community awards were presented at the annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 4th April 2017.
Winners are as follows:
- Steve Glavin – Volunteer Leader award
- Hinton Close Day Centre – Volunteer Team award
- Saltford Business Network – Volunteer Team award
- A posthumous Lifetime Service award was announced for Audrie Guthrie.
Saltford Parish Council’s Community Awards for 2016 were presented at Saltford’s Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 5th April 2016 at Saltford Hall.
The following awards were made:
Saltford Brass Mill Volunteer Group – the volunteer team’s selfless service, their achievements in maintaining and opening up the Mill to the public, and for engaging with the community of Saltford and beyond
Graham Bush – contribution to the Scouting movement in Saltford
Diane Hooper – contribution to the Girl Guide movement in Saltford
Owen McDermott – contribution to the Scouting movement in Saltford and for leading the Saltford Remembrance Parades and other initiatives to mark remembrance in Saltford
Bob Perkins – contribution to the Junior Section at Saltford Golf Club
David Phillips – contribution to the Junior Section at Saltford Golf Club
Jill Williams –contribution to the creation and development of Saltford Festival and other service to Saltford