How can members of the public make their views known? - Saltford Parish Council

Details of all Saltford planning applications can be found on Bath & North East Somerset Council’s planning applications search page. Members of the public can make their views known by submitting their comments to B&NES Council via this Planning Portal. 

Saltford Parish Council’s councillors view comments made on the B&NES Council Planning Portal prior to a Parish Council meeting at which a consultation will be discussed and resolved (or prior to a decision being made using the ‘Scheme of Delegation’ should a consultation end date be before SPC can meet).

As such SPC advises residents to comment on applications via the B&NES Planning Portal as soon as possible, as SPC may resolve its view at any point during the consultation period. Each application has a B&NES Council deadline for consultation responses stated on the B&NES Council planning portal. The consultation response from Saltford Parish Council may be made before or after this date (the Planning Authority may grant SPC a time extension to respond pending its meeting dates).

Members of the public are also welcome to contact the Parish Council in advance of a meeting to share their views about an application or to find out details of the meeting where the item will be discussed. You can contact SPC at or by using the ‘Contact Us‘ page on our website. Please note any comments made to Saltford Parish Council will not be submitted to the planning authority on behalf of the resident – these must be submitted directly by a resident to the planning authority.

Members of the public can speak at a public meeting about any agenda item during ‘Public Time’. This includes speaking to support, object or to comment on a planning application listed on the agenda. Members of the public are welcome to stay to listen to the Council’s discussion of the item later in the meeting. Please find details about this on SPC’s ‘meetings dates, agendas and minutes’ page, including SPC’s Public Engagement Guidelines.

Please visit the ‘How can Saltford residents find out about planning applications’ page (linked below) for information about how to be notified about new planning applications.

Please note that it is not within Saltford Parish Council’s mandate or resource to directly seek consultation with immediate neighbours or any other residents regarding any planning application prior to SPC resolving its response to the planning authority. It is the responsibility of the planning authority (usually B&NES Council) to inform near neighbours of planning applications, not the Parish Council’s.

SPC publishes a list of planning applications that it will look to resolve on its agendas. It is up to members of the public to check agendas to be aware of what SPC will be discussing and resolving.

SPC is only a statutory consultee for some types of planning application, so not all planning applications in Saltford are discussed at SPC’s meetings.

Other information about planning matters in Saltford

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