Saltford Parish Council (SPC) can only act within its powers. SPC cannot act in areas that are the responsibility of other authorities. Residents are requested to report issues directly to the appropriate authority, e.g. many B&NES Council fixes can be reported via FixMyStreet.
SPC can liaise with other authorities regarding matters that are important to its residents. Please contact SPC if there is a matter you wish to raise to the attention of Saltford Parish Council. This may then be discussed at a meeting.
In an emergency, residents are reminded to contact the emergency services on 999. Should a village-wide emergency occur, see the ‘Emergency Planning and Resilience – Saltford‘ page.
What matters should be reported directly to SPC?
Issues regarding SPC’s responsibilities including its assets, the management of safety at St Mary’s Churchyard, or the management of the Wick House Close allotments, can be reported directly to Saltford Parish Council.
Other matters of concern or interest can be shared with SPC, for its consideration to include on a future Parish Council meeting agenda for discussion.
What matters should be reported to B&NES Council?
The majority of enquiries SPC receives are in relation to services provided by the unitary authority for the area, Bath and North East Somerset Council (B&NES Council).
Residents can contact B&NES Council directly at Council Connect on 01225 394041, or by email at Alternatively visit a One Stop Shop, the nearest one to Saltford is located at Keynsham Library.
Many ‘fixes’ can simply be reported via FixMyStreet at This can be used to report any issues that are broken, dirty, damaged or dumped.
B&NES Council’s Report It page lists a range of other issues that can be reported directly (see image below). This includes matters that cannot be reported via FixMyStreet.
A list of B&NES Council services can be found here.
Saltford’s two B&NES Ward Councillor details are below.
SPC is a separate and independent organisation from B&NES Council, and cannot resolve issues that are a B&NES Council responsibility.
Please see the table and links below for an ‘at a glance’ guide on how to report some common issues. If your issue is not listed or does not fall into the categories covered by FixMyStreet or else the B&NES Council Report It page, please contact B&NES Council directly using details above at B&NES Council Connect.
Emergencies – Please see the Emergencies page of the B&NES Council website for information on what emergencies B&NES Council is responsible for (e.g. fallen trees, broken glass on road or pavement, syringes etc) and contact information. Emergencies can be reported to B&NES Council on 01225 394041 (option 9) and via the ‘Report an emergency‘ page on the B&NES Council website. B&NES Council’s out-of-hours emergency number is 01225 477477. Information about the role and actions of the B&NES Council Emergency Management Team is also on their website.
Parking issues – If parking is causing a hazard or obstruction please report to the police. B&NES Council is the responsible authority for Parking Enforcement. B&NES Council’s parking team can be contacted on 01225 477133, 01225 477134 or by email at The B&NES Council Parking Enforcement webpage has a complaints form (please scroll to end) should residents have issues they wish to raise to the team’s attention. A copy of the B&NES Parking Enforcement Policy is on their website.
Missed waste & recycling collections – B&NES Council is the responsible authority for residential waste collections in Saltford. Residents can stay up to date with waste, recycling and green bin collection disruptions at If your street has been missed and it is not listed under ‘waste disruptions’, please report to B&NES Council directly at
Noise nuisance – B&NES Council is the responsible authority for Environmental Protection. See ‘Noise nuisance‘ also linked in the table below for information. B&NES Council has booklets on Control of noise from a licenced premises. Further advice can be gained from the B&NES Council Environmental Protection Team (Telephone: 01225 477551, Email: or the B&NES Council Licensing Team (Telephone: 01225 477533, Email:
Rough sleeping – If you see someone sleeping rough and are concerned contact StreetLink. StreetLink exists to help end rough sleeping by enabling members of the public to connect people sleeping rough with the local services that can support them. B&NES Council, and partner services e.g. Julian House, can be alerted via the StreetLink website or by calling 0300 500 0914. If the person is under 18, please contact the police.
Issue: | Contact B&NES Council via: |
Abandoned vehicle | FixMyStreet |
Anti-social behaviour | B&NES website (and/or Police) |
Bins | FixMyStreet |
Boat (unlicensed, sinking, abandoned) | Canal River Trust |
Bonfires | B&NES website |
Broken street lights | FixMyStreet |
Damaged street furniture i.e. bollards | FixMyStreet |
Dead animal needing removing | FixMyStreet |
Dog fouling | B&NES Dog Fouling & FixMyStreet |
Drains | FixMyStreet |
Empty property | Report It |
Fly tipping | FixMyStreet |
Graffiti | FixMyStreet |
Health and Safety | B&NES website |
High Hedges | Planning enforcement |
Litter (excessive) | FixMyStreet |
Missed bin collection | Report It |
Noise nuisance | B&NES website (general) & B&NES website |
Overhanging tree, hedge or plant | B&NES website |
Parks | FixMyStreet |
Parking Enforcement | B&NES Website |
Pavements | FixMyStreet |
Possible planning contravention | Planning enforcement |
Problem with highway | Report It |
Protected tree (TPO) concerns | Planning enforcement |
Roads inc. Pot holes, road signs etc | FixMyStreet |
Rough sleeping | Streetlink or via B&NES Report It page |
Social Services emergency | B&NES website & Safeguarding B&NES |
Storm damage and fallen branches | B&NES website (see storm damage) |
Street cleansing | FixMyStreet |
Trees, grass or leaves | FixMyStreet |
Reporting an emergency to B&NES Council
Please see the Emergencies page of the B&NES Council website for information on what emergencies B&NES Council is responsible for and contact information. Information about the role and actions of the B&NES Council Emergency Management Team is also on their website. Saltford Parish Council is not responsible the responsible authority for emergency planning or community resilience, please contact B&NES Council.
Emergencies can be reported to B&NES Council on 01225 394041 (option 9) and via the ‘Report an emergency‘ page on the B&NES Council website.
B&NES Council’s out-of-hours emergency number is 01225 477477.
B&NES Council is the Lead Local Flood Authority for Saltford. Please find more information about flooding below. Please note that B&NES Council does not provide sandbags to private properties.
B&NES Council’s Saltford Ward Councillors
Saltford has two B&NES Council’s Ward Councillors, as elected in May 2023: Cllr Duncan Hounsell and Cllr Alison Streatfeild-James. Please click on their names for contact details. Information for all B&NES Council Ward Councillors – including Saltford – is on the B&NES Council webpage ‘Your Councillor by Ward‘.
Saltford’s B&NES Council Ward Councillors work individually and together for the benefit of residents in Saltford Ward (which includes the village of Saltford in addition to nearby villages). If you require support with a request to B&NES Council, a Ward Councillor may be able to support.
It is the duty of the Ward Councillors to communicate the work of the council to constituents. Saltford’s B&NES Council Ward Councillors are invited to attend Saltford Parish Council meetings and provide a monthly report for Parish Councillors’ information. This is also an opportunity for Parish Councillors to ask Ward Councillors any questions about their report or questions relating to items on the Parish Council’s meeting agenda.
Key information from Ward Councillor reports can be found on SPC’s minutes. Copies of Saltford’s B&NES Ward Cllrs monthly reports are available on request directly from Saltford’s B&NES Ward Councillors.
Neither B&NES Council or Saltford Parish Council are responsible for issues regarding private or company property e.g. telegraph poles, electricity cabinets etc.
Should there be an issue with private property, residents need to directly contact the owner or the company who owns the property to resolve.
Similarly, Parish Councils are not informed nor hold information regarding private businesses or suppliers, or health care providers i.e. doctors or dentists. If you require information please contact the organisation directly. If you require assistance doing this please contact or visit a B&NES Council Library or One Stop Shop. Saltford’s nearest One Stop Shop is in Keynsham, and can help with general enquiries as well as assisting with a range of other matters.
In an emergency call 999
To report a non-emergency crime or incident call 101, or else contact
Avon and Somerset Police’s ‘Report’ page contains a list of numerous issues and how these can be reported as appropriate. Please visit This page has sections including: Vehicles and Theft; Stolen, lost and found; Concern for welfare; Community issues; Property and money; Drink and drugs; Children and young people; Animals; and Online Crime.
Vehicles that are causing an obstruction or hazard can be reported to the police. Please visit Avon and Somerset Police’s Report a Parking Problem page for information on how to report vehicles causing a hazard or obstruction.
Keynsham Beat Team
Saltford is covered by the Keynsham Beat Team. To find out more or to make contact please visit the Keynsham Beat Team page. The Keynsham Beat Team page has details on beat crime statistics, priorities, surgeries, team members and local police station locations.
Information on reporting a crime is also available on the Avon and Somerset Watch page.
Local Neighbourhood Watch information is also available from the Avon and Somerset Watch website. To register for local crime alerts visit the Avon and Somerset Police Community Alerts sign up page.
Beat Officers for Keynsham and surrounding areas
In the first instance, residents are advised to contact the Beat Team via the online form on the Keynsham Beat Team page (scroll to end).
If you wish to report an incident or a crime or need to speak to a Police Officer you should contact 101. For all emergencies call 999.
Further information is available on the Avon and Somerset Police website.
SPC and the police
Saltford Parish Council maintains regular contact with Avon and Somerset Police when required, for example during periods of high visitor numbers to Saltford.
SPC and residents also receive updates from the Keynsham Beat Team at the Keynsham Area Forum. Police reports for the local area are a standing item on the forum’s agendas.
Relevant information shared by Avon and Somerset police to SPC is posted on SPC’s Twitter feed and Facebook page.
Saltford Parish Council also welcomes members of the Keynsham Beat Team to its full council meetings at Saltford Hall to which all residents are welcome to attend, including local Neighbourhood Watch groups. If the police are due to be present at a Parish Council meeting, this will be detailed on the agenda.
Crimestoppers is an independently registered charity which allows anyone to pass on information anonymously about crime or people they know or suspect are committing it.
To report crime anonymously call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. This line is a 24 hour service open seven days a week. You will always speak to Crimestoppers staff at a Crimestoppers call centre and NOT the police.
Crime can also be reported anonymously online at Follow the links for the online form.
Crimestoppers are not part of the police or the Crimewatch TV programme. They guarantee that calls cannot be traced and that calls are never recorded. Crimestoppers will never ask you to visit a police station, make a statement or go to court, and that any contact will always remain completely anonymous. More information is available on the Crimestoppers website.
This section has information on:
- Extreme weather
- Environment Agency
- Canal River Trust
- Flooding (including Flood Warnings, Who to report flooding to, Prepare for flooding, Guidance if you have been flooded, Health and Safety concerns following flooding, and;
- Water leaks and burst mains
Extreme weather
For local weather information including weather warnings visit the Met Office at: The Saltford Environment Group also has the ‘Saltford Weather Station‘ in the top right-hand corner of their homepage.
For river, sea, groundwater and rainfall levels: River, sea, groundwater and rainfall levels
Wessex Area Water Situation Reports. Monthly reports are produced on
To sign up for free flood warnings please visit this Government webpage (go to the website or search ‘know my flood risk’ to sign up for Environment Agency flood warnings) to receive information on the risk in your area and what to do in a flood.
The Met Office’s Community Resilience website is at Met Office Community Resilience The Met Office has updated their Community Resilience leaflet which contains some really useful information about flooding advice; and community resilience during rain, snow and ice, thunderstorms and lightning, strong winds and gales, fog and extreme heat.
The Environment Agency’s May 2024 briefing note about the Twerton Gates on the River Avon can be viewed here as shown in the image below. In this briefing note, the EA explains the function of the Twerton Gates, and how the EA operate them during a flood event in a way that avoids increasing flood risk downstream. The primary function of the Twerton Gates is to maintain a minimum water level upstream ‘required for navigation purposes and to protect the ancient foundations of structures along the river corridor in the World Heritage Area of Bath‘. There is a live webcam of the Twerton Gates at
Emergency planning and resilience in Saltford – The Saltford Emergency Coordinators Group (of volunteers) has been created to assist emergency response organisations, and to aid community resilience, in the case of a large-scale or village-wide acute emergency. The group may act during periods of severe extreme weather if they deem it is required. For more information, visit the ‘Emergency planning and resilience in Saltford‘ page as hosted by Saltford Parish Council on behalf of the group.
Environment Agency
The Environment Agency exists to create better places for people and wildlife, and to support sustainable development.
Responsibilities and priorities can be found on the Environmental Agency website. The Environment Agency 24hr hotline is 0800 80 70 60.
If you are concerned about blockages, obstructions to flow in the river or know of cut vegetation being deposited in the watercourse, which can cause pollution, please call the EA’s Incident Hotline 0800 80 70 60 which is open and manned 24 hours a day. You will be given advice and guidance and the information you share will be recorded and
passed to the relevant duty team who will be able to take any necessary actions.
You can call the Environment Agency incident hotline to report:
- damage or danger to the natural environment
- pollution to water or land
- poaching or illegal fishing
- dead fish or fish gasping for air
- main rivers blocked by a vehicle or fallen tree causing risk of flooding
- flooding from any river, stream, canal, natural spring or the sea
- incidents at Environment Agency-regulated waste sites
- illegal removals from watercourses
- unusual changes in river flow
- collapsed or badly damaged river or canal banks
More information can be found on the Environment Agency’s incident reporting page. This page also has information on incidents to report to your local council (B&NES Council) or utility company, rather than the Environment Agency.
Canal River Trust
To report a speeding or unlicensed boat on the River Avon, or one that is not tethered or is sinking or abandoned, please contact the Canal River Trust. The easiest way to report an incident is to call 0303 040 4040 (press 1 for river, and 6 for south west, and you will be put through to an operator), or report online at
The Canal River Trust can be contacted in an emergency as well as about about non-urgent issues regarding the river. The CRT FAQ page provides further information on the Canal River Trust’s responsibilities – these include moorings, pollution and vegetation.
The River Avon flows through Saltford. The Canal River Trust is a charity who look after and bring to life 2,000 miles of waterways. It is responsible for some of the vegetation adjacent to waterways and locks (including Saltford Lock and Kelston Lock). (Please note: B&NES Council is the riparian owner of land on the Saltford side of the river itself, and is also responsible for the bridge over the River Avon in Saltford. The riverbank opposite Saltford on the Kelston side is privately owned land with a Public Right of Way adjacent to the river bank on some sections).
Information about flooding emergencies can be found on B&NES Council’s website. Who to contact about a flooding incident can be found on the B&NES Council ‘Report a flooding incident’ page. Information about B&NES Council as the Lead Flooding Authority is also available.
B&NES Council’s policy is that provision of sandbags for properties are the responsibility of the property owner (not the council), and owners are advised to purchase and store sandbags in preparation for flooding emergencies.
Useful information can be found in the Environment Agency’s leaflet ‘on ‘Your home in Somerset could be at risk of flooding. Would you know what to do?‘ which has some great advice for properties in advance of a potential flooding incident. The Environment Agency’s leaflet ‘Recent flooding in Somerset. What can you do now?’ provides advice on what residents can do following a flooding incident.
Further information about property flood resistance can be found below:
Flood warnings: View the government’s ‘Sign up for free flood warnings‘ page. This allows residents to receive warnings by phone, email or text message if your home or business is at risk of flooding. The service is free. You will need to provide the address you are registering, a phone number you can be contacted on (day or night) and an email address. Residents can also call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 for updates on flooding, to sign up for flood warnings, or to report flooding. Follow the Environment Agency for the South West’s page on on X, formerly known as Twitter, at @EnvAgencySW. Or visit their Facebook page at
Visit the Environment Agency website which contains information on current river levels and flooding, the direct link is at their Avon Level at Saltford’ page. Also see the ‘Check for Flooding‘ government page for information. To check your current and long term risk of flooding, visit this government page titled ‘Check the long term flood risk for an area in England‘.
Prepare for flooding: Further to the Environment Agency’s leaflet on ‘Your home in Somerset could be at risk of flooding. Would you know what to do?‘, this Government ‘Prepare for Flooding’ webpage details how to protect yourself from flooding, including advice if you own a riverside property. The ‘Personal Flood Plan’ government webpage details information about creating a flood plan for your property. If you are a business, see here for advice on how to prepare for flooding for businesses. Practical EA advice about reducing the impact of groundwater flooding on properties can be found here. Residents may also find the Flood Hub’s Property Flood Resilience Toolkit useful. Further information including case studies of flooding and resilience measures which have been implemented can be found in this Property Flood Resilience booklet.
Guidance if you have been flooded: Environment Agency advice on what to do before, during and after a flood can be found here and in their leaflet ‘Recent flooding in Somerset. What can you do now?’.
If you have been impacted by flooding, the National Flood Forum is a charity that helps, supports and represents people at risk of flooding and during or after being flooded. Please find information on their website or call 01299 403 055.
Flood Re has been set up to help those households who live in a flood risk area find affordable home insurance. For more information contact your insurer or visit:
Flooding – Find out the answers to frequently asked questions: Flooding FAQ Property Flood Resilience Toolkit | The Flood Hub. This toolkit contains all the resources you need as a basic introduction for your property to become more flood resilient. Click on each resource to download it and build up your toolkit!
The Environment Agency’s advice to the public is to:
- Stay safe and not enter floodwater.
- Stay away from seafronts etc (SPC would add stay away from close proximity to the river bank)
- Call Floodline on 0345 988 1188 for updates on flooding, to sign up for flood warnings, or to report flooding.
- Go to the website or search ‘know my flood risk’ to sign up for Environment Agency flood warnings, receive information on the risk in your area and what to do in a flood.
- Sign up for Flood Warnings
- Visit the Environment Agency website (which contains information on current river levels and flooding)
- Follow the Environment Agency on X, formally known as Twitter:
- Visit the Environment Agency’s Facebook page
Health and safety concerns following flooding: Public Health England have produced a document about frequently asked health questions to do with flooding . Please see here for more information.
Who to report flooding to: Who you need to contact to report flooding depends on what is flooding. The link below explains when you need to report an incident to the Environment Agency, your local water company or to B&NES Council: See Report a flood or possible cause of flooding – GOV.UK ( You can log local flooding issues to B&NES Council using Fix My Street or call Council Connect on 01225 39 40 41. Residents and businesses are able to report flooding online on the Flood Online Reporting Tool, FORT link: FORT – Home ( For how this information is used to help the community, there is a pre-recorded presentation by Guy Parker from the Environment Agency that you can view here: Flood Online Reporting Tool (FORT) Presentation – YouTube The Floodline number (24 hour service) is: 0345 988 1188 (costs may apply, see here)
The Environment Agency stresses the importance of reporting flooding. If your home or business has flooded, please make sure you report it as soon as you are able to. There are lots of reasons why you should report flooding, most importantly so authorities and agencies can respond to close roads, unblock gullies, and provide an emergency response if required. Useful information to share with the Environment Agency includes: residential and commercial properties that are known to have flooded; road, rail or other transport infrastructure affected; and any photos or videos of the above and inundated areas of floodplains. Please report online using the Flood Online Reporting Tool . You can also contact the Environment Agency Incident Hotline on 0800 80 70 60. In an emergency please dial 999. Find out more Blog: The Importance of Reporting Flooding | The Flood Hub
Water leaks & burst mains
Bristol Water shares ongoing incidents updates here and further general information on their website at . For live updates about incidents also see Bristol Water’s Facebook and Twitter feeds which tend to have comments added on a regular basis during an incident.
Bristol Water’s 24 hour emergency helpline is 0345 702 3797.
Bristol Water may arrange via external agencies safe places to collect drinking water during longer lasting incidents or e.g. during a heatwave, though this may be for more vulnerable people only. Please view the ongoing incidents page or call their helpline on 0345 702 3797 as well as checking social media and other communications channels, especially if you are a vulnerable person. Residents are encouraged to check on vulnerable friends and neighbours if there is an ongoing issue with water supply.
Bristol Water’s website has the latest updates on repairs and incidents, as well as planned works in a particular area. To report a leak – use the Bristol Water interactive map by entering your post code.
If you notice or have concerns about a leak please visit the Bristol Water ‘How to report a leak‘ page. This page includes information about spotting a leak and who might be responsible for pipework leaks.
If you can smell gas or suspect a gas leak call the 24 hr National Gas Emergency Hotline 0800 111 999, or via textphone (minicom) on 0800 371 787.
If you are worried about carbon monoxide escaping from a gas appliance, please also call the National Gas Emergency Hotline.
If you smell gas or suspect a leak, take the following actions:
- Do open windows and doors
- Do turn off gas at the meter (unless it’s located in the cellar or basement)
- Do turn your gas appliances off
- Do not smoke, light a match or use any kind of naked flame
- Do not use light switches, doorbells or any electrical switches
- Do not return to your home until you’ve been given the all clear
If you suspect there are high levels of carbon monoxide in your property:
- Open all doors and windows
- Move everyone into the fresh air
- Call the Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999
If someone has collapsed, or is displaying severe symptoms: Call 999.
Call 105 to report a power cut, or get information about power cuts.
You can also call 105 if you see damage to electricity power lines and substations that could put you, or someone else, in danger.
If there is a serious immediate risk, you should call the emergency services too on 999.
105 is a free service, available to people in England, Scotland and Wales. You can call the number from most landlines and mobile phones.
A call to 105 will put you through to your local network operator. Use the postcode finder here to identify your network operator. This online tool will also tell you how you can contact your network operator via their website or social media.
105 has FAQs and further advice about what to do in a power cut.
You can also call UK Power Networks direct on 0800 316 3105 to report a power cut.
Check affected postcodes and the number of UK Power Networks customers affected by power cut incident, and the status of repairs on a live map.