Compulsory Purchase Order - Wessex Water Compulsory Purchase of land adjacent to Mead Lane site - Saltford Parish Council

For the awareness of residents, Saltford Parish Council has been requested to display a copy of the notice for a Compulsory Purchase Order. A copy of the order can be viewed on SPC’s noticeboard from today (15 March) and will be on display until 7 April 2023.

The notice is titled ‘The Wessex Water Services Limited (Saltford Water Recycling Centre Extension) Compulsory Purchase Order 2023 Compulsory Purchase of land adjacent to Saltford water recycling centre Mead Lane Saltford‘.

Details about the land including location and size can be found under section 4 of the notice (‘Description of Land’).

As stated on the notice (under section 2), a copy of the notice and map can be viewed online at (once live from 16 March 2023).

As also stated on the notice (under section 2), hard copies of the order and associated map can be viewed by residents at two locations. The nearest location to Saltford is B&NES Council’s Keynsham Library and Information Service at Civic Centre Keynsham (Market Walk, BS31 1FS). Please see the notice for opening times. More information about Keynsham Library and Information Service, including a location map, can be found on the B&NES Council website at (page for Keynsham Library and Information Service).

The second location to view hard copies is Wessex Water’s Claverton Down site, details including address and opening times are on the notice.

A copy of the notice will be on display in SPC’s noticeboard until 7 April

Please note that Saltford Parish Council is sharing this information for resident awareness only, to signpost residents about how to find further information.

If residents wish to make representations details on how to do this can be found under section 3 on the notice (e.g. do not make these to Saltford Parish Council or B&NES Council, but to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). The end date for representations is also on the notice.

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