Interested in becoming a Saltford Parish Councillor? - Saltford Parish Council

If your New Year’s resolution in 2023 is to contribute to your local community, please consider standing for Parish Council elections. Parish Councillors are elected every four years, and elections are next due in May 2023. Saltford Parish Council has 11 Councillors.

Parish Councils are the level of local government closest to the people and community. They have a powerful voice to represent the community when decisions are being made. Parish Councils are also statutory consultees on matters such as planning.

Parish Councillors give their time to attend monthly meetings and to correspond in-between, and sit on committees, attend external meetings and are involved in various other actions. Responsibilities are carried out by the Councillors individually and collectively. Councillors are available to listen to the concerns of residents.

Parish Councillors do not receive payment for being elected members and offer their time voluntarily for the benefit of the local community. The Chair receives a small honorarium in place of expenses (£300p.a. in 2022/23). The Chair and Vice-Chair are elected at the Annual Parish Council meeting held each May. Saltford Parish Council (SPC) employs a part-time Parish Clerk who supports Councillors to carry out their responsibilities and administers the Parish Council’s business.

Full Council usually meets at 7:15pm the first Tuesday of the month at Saltford Hall, however due to elections the first meeting of the new Council will be on Tuesday 16 May 2023. To find out the type of items discussed at meetings please view SPC’s previously published agendas and confirmed minutes.

For more about becoming a Saltford Parish Councillor please see the ‘Councillors’ page on our website. This links to the Avon Local Council Association’s ‘Become a Councillor’ page which provides detail about eligibility criteria and the nomination process, plus the timetable for local elections.

SPC will share information closer to the time of elections, so if you are interested please keep an eye on our website, social media and noticeboard.

Photo shows the eleven current members of Saltford Parish Council
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