SPC Precept 2022/2023 - Saltford Parish Council

Saltford Parish Council levies one of the lowest precepts in the B&NES Council area. In 2021/22, SPC’s precept was the third lowest for a Band D property in B&NES out of 50 precepted areas, excluding Bath itself. (Similar figures have yet to be released for 2022/23).

At its December 2021 meeting, SPC resolved to increase its precept by 7%, from £38,322 in 2021/22 to £41,005 in 2022/23.

Following receipt of Saltford’s tax base from B&NES Council, this means that an average Band D property in Saltford will pay £22.53 per year (£1.88 p.c.m). This is a £1.45 per year increase, or an increase of c.12p per calendar month.

SPC shares information about its precept on its social media pages (Facebook and Twitter), SPC’s e-newsletter and SCAN page, as well as on its noticeboard.

For information about how SPC spends its precept, financial matters are recorded in SPC’s full council minutes and the minutes also include monthly financial reports and schedules of expenditure. This information is permanently available on the website, and is also displayed on the noticeboard at the time of publication (when space permits).

Information about Saltford Parish Council’s precept is available under ‘Finance – Precept‘. Precept information is also available in SPC’s minutes.

Saltford Parish Council’s annual accounting statements and audit information can be found under the ‘Finance – Audits’ section of the website. Audit information is also available in SPC’s minutes.

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