SPC responds to Local Plan Partial Update (LPPU) consultation - Saltford Parish Council

Saltford Parish Council has considered proposed changes to the current Bath and North East Somerset Local Plan.

SPC resolved its response to the Local Plan Partial Update (LPPU) consultation at its 5 October 2021 meeting, and submitted its response to B&NES Council today (6 October).

B&NES Council state that they are carrying out this consultation to ensure that their planning policies better reflect B&NES Council’s Declaration of Climate and Ecological Emergencies and commitment to securing net zero by 2030.  B&NES Council have stated that the aim of the changes is primarily to meet three key priorities; to enable greater energy efficiency of existing buildings and zero carbon new build; a shift to mass transport, walking and cycling to reduce transport emissions; and a rapid, large-scale increase in local renewable energy generation. 

The formal public consultation is being held from 27th August to 8th October 2021. 

Residents, businesses and other stakeholders are encouraged to have their say on the Local Plan Partial Update by the 8 October deadline, for more information please visit the B&NES Council Local Plan Partial Update webpage. To comment on the LPPU, simply scroll to ‘Submit your comments online‘ , plus details about how these can be submitted by post are also on the Local Plan Partial Update webpage.

B&NES Council have stated that the final updated plan could be submitted to the Secretary of State before the end of the year for public examination. Once adopted the Local Plan will form the basis for determining planning applications until the new Local Plan is adopted in 2024.   

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