SPC sets its precept for 2020/21 - Saltford Parish Council

Saltford Parish Council agreed its budget for the 2020/21 financial year at its January meeting.  The amount of precept (tax) to be levied will increase from £33,840 in 2019/20 to £34,838 in 2020/21. As such £34,838 is an overall 2.95% increase on £33,840. Given the tax base set by B&NES Council for Saltford Parish, this is a rise of 42p per year per average Band D property, or 0.8p per week (the charge for an average Band D property in 2019/20 is £18.92, it will be £19.34 in 2020/21).

For information about how Saltford Parish Council spends its precept, financial matters are recorded in SPC’s minutes, and the minutes also include monthly financial reports and schedules of expenditure. Saltford Parish Council’s annual accounting statements and audit information can be found under the ‘finance’ section of the website.

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