High Street & Mead Lane - Temporary parking restrictions Mon 18 & Tues 19 Dec (Wessex Water) - Saltford Parish Council

Wessex Water has informed Saltford Parish Council that there will be temporary parking restrictions on the High Street and Mead Lane to allow large vehicles (again carrying welfare cabins) access to Wessex Water’s Mead Lane site, on Monday 18 December and Tuesday 19 December. Wessex Water’s Project Manager has written to residents who may be impacted (see below).

Wessex Water has also confirmed that we will be sharing a further update with the Saltford community on the progress of the access road and further details about the expansion work at the water recycling centre in the January/February edition of the Saltford Community Association (SCAN) Newsletter.

A copy of the letter to residents (re. 18 & 19 Dec) is as follows:

Dear Customer,

High Street and Mead Lane, Saltford – Temporary Traffic Restriction Order

In line with the Temporary Traffic Restriction Order (TTRO) in place for High Street and Mead Lane in Saltford, we are notifying you that parking restrictions will be in place for these roads on three consecutive days Monday 18 December and Tuesday 19 December 2023 from 9am until 4pm each day.

Why is the temporary traffic restriction order (TTRO) required?

The order is required to improve accessibility for vehicles travelling to Saltford Water Recycling Centre to make deliveries for the construction work taking place.

This use of the order on this occasion is to allow the delivery, via articulated wagons, of the remaining seven welfare cabins for the wider work on the site. Due to their large width and length, the specialist supplier is only able to bring a maximum of four per day. Traffic movement will be infrequent but spaced to avoid congestion along the High Street. We would like to thank all residents for their patience and co-operation on the preceding cabin delivery.

The TTRO covers an 18-month period, but restrictions will not be in place for that amount of time. Instead, there will be a number of occasions during this period, such as this one, where restrictions are required. Restrictions will not be in place on weekends and bank holidays.

What does the order mean?

On this occasion, these restrictions will be in force during working hours (between 9am and 4pm) only. During these times you will be required to remove parked vehicles from these roads to allow the space for deliveries to the Saltford Water Recycling Centre on Mead Lane. These latest restrictions will finish at the end of the working day.

How will this affect me?

A marshal will be on hand to assist with vehicle access and exit to and from the holding bay at Saltford Court as necessary.

As agreed with Saltford Parish Council and local B&NES members, Wessex Water will attempt to meet any special needs or concerns of any residents when the restrictions are in place.

Any known significant deliveries and building works that may affect vehicle movements while the restrictions are in place should also be reported to us.

These requests should be phoned through to the team on 07717 355917 prior to the start of these restrictions.

Anything else you need to know?

We remain committed to working with the local community to understand the potential issues and constraints in relation to the Temporary Traffic Restriction Order and our project team will continue to be available via the dedicated email address saltford.access@wessexwater.co.uk.

There is also information about this scheme on our website, which can be found at www.wessexwater.co.uk/saltfordaccess. We will update this page with any useful information in due course.

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