Saltford Parish Council is hosting its annual ‘Meet Your Community Police Officer’ event on the evening of Thursday 3 November 2022.
The meeting will start at 7pm, and will take place in the Avon Room at Saltford Hall.
We are grateful to B&NES Ward Cllr Duncan Hounsell for chairing the meeting at SPC’s invitation.
We are pleased to confirm that PC James Evans (Keynsham Beat Team) will be present to listen to resident’s concerns and to answer questions.
Saltford’s Ward Cllr Alastair Singleton is B&NES Council’s representative on the Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Panel, and SPC appreciates Cllr Singleton giving his time again this year to provide feedback and information to residents.
Please find a poster below. If you are part of a Neighbourhood Watch, or resident’s WhatsApp group for your street or similar, Saltford Parish Council would be grateful if you could share with neighbours who might be interested in attending.
A news article about last year’s event can be found here.
All residents are welcome. There’s no need to RSVP or book, please just turn up. We hope to see you there.