Proposals for 'Quiet Routes' and 'Quick Routes' on residential roads - SPC responds to two B&NES Strategic Transport consultations - Saltford Parish Council

In July 2024, Saltford Parish Council (SPC) raised awareness of two B&NES Council Strategic Transport consultations: ‘Creating Sustainable Communities in North East Somerset: The Journey to Net Zero’ and ‘Active Travel Masterplan’. Please view SPC’s news article ‘B&NES launches two consultations on long-term transport strategies, inc. suggestions for Saltford‘ for more information.

At its September 2024 meeting, SPC discussed and resolved its response to both Strategic Travel consultations. A summary of SPC’s responses to both consultations can be found below. It is advised that the responses are viewed together (as both cross-reference the other).

SPC’s consultation responses were based on information on the B&NES Council website (linked via the article above). The interactive map for the ‘Active Travel Masterplan’ showed proposed ‘Quiet Routes’ and ‘Quick Routes’ in Saltford. To clarify following confusion expressed by some residents, no specific physical actions for residential roads in Saltford were outlined or proposed by B&NES Council in either Strategic Transport consultation. For a definition of a ‘Quiet Route’ or ‘Quick Route’, please see p.56-58 of B&NES Council’s Active Travel Masterplan document.

Image above shows proposed routes in Saltford and near by, as taken from the interactive map for B&NES Council’s ‘Active Travel Masterplan’ consultation.

SPC’s full responses to the consultations can be viewed by clicking on the following links:

Response summary:Creating Sustainable Communities in North East Somerset: The Journey to Net Zero

The Council resolved its response to the B&NES Council strategic transport consultation ‘Creating Sustainable Communities in North East Somerset: The Journey to Net Zero’.

In its response to general questions, SPC flagged additional issues or barriers concerning travel needs in Saltford. These included the need for a higher number of designated pedestrian crossing points across the A4, specifically near the junctions of The Glen and Uplands Road, as well as improved – or the introduction of – bus shelters at existing bus stops, the reduction of pavement parking, a feasibility study for a re-opened Saltford railway station, and clearer segregation of the pedestrian / cycle shared path between Saltford and Keynsham.

In its response under the ‘Keynsham and Saltford’ section, SPC stated that it generally agreed with the list of key issues identified for the area by B&NES, but also raised areas that it disagreed with in the proposals. These included under ‘Public Transport’ the claim that there was a lack of bus priority measures, with SPC stating that it was concerned that the introduction of these – including possible removal of existing highway for bus lanes – would severely impact traffic flow in and around Saltford to the detriment of all users and residents. SPC also disagreed with the statement that direct access to the Bristol and Path (B2B Path) by the Bird in Hand pub on High Street was problematic and requested that any proposals to improve access for cyclists at this location be considered with local knowledge including from SPC. In its response SPC also added to the list of issues the need for the continuation of ‘farer fares’ for bus users and the requirement for public EV charging points in Saltford.

To better support sustainable travel, SPC stated in its response that B&NES should look to improve safety measures for pedestrians in Saltford, particularly in the old village, and consider introducing speed calming measures on some sections of highway.

SPC welcomed proposals to consider improving safe and active travel on the ‘lanes’ between Saltford and Keynsham, specifically on Manor Road as mentioned in the consultation and also proposing Courtney Road be considered for similar. A reference to a more detailed response from SPC’s ‘Active Travel Masterplan’ about this proposal was also included in SPC’s response.

SPC commented that any proposals for the introduction of ‘modal filters’ preventing motor vehicle access on the highway would require significant engagement prior to SPC being able to express a view, and SPC highlighted the need for good resident and emergency vehicle access as well as any measures being sympathetic to the historic location should they be considered for introduction at or near the Saltford Conservation Area. SPC also stated it would be against the reallocation of road space for buses and also against any measures that might reduce parking availability in Saltford.

Response summary: ‘Active Travel Masterplan

SPC resolved its response to the B&NES Council strategic transport consultation ‘Active Travel Masterplan’, specifically the area identified on B&NES Council’s interactive map for Saltford and immediately beyond which included proposals for ‘Quiet Routes’ and ‘Quick Routes’.

Prior to responding to the consultation questions, SPC resolved to comment to B&NES Council that SPC required more detail on what both ‘Quiet Routes’ and ‘Quick Routes’ would specifically mean on each of the residential roads marked – and any likely impact on residents of these – to be able to comprehensively respond to the consultation questions. SPC also stated that more detail in the Active Travel Masterplan would have been of use and as such SPC’s response was based on the limited information provided by B&NES Council.

SPC resolved to respond to the question of any marked routes that should be changed or added, to state that it in principle welcomed measures but that it would question the level of these and any approaches required at each location, and would require considerably more detail and direct engagement with SPC by B&NES Council prior to any specific actions being consulted on. SPC agreed to express in detail in its response to B&NES Council that the approach to achieve ‘Quiet Routes’ on residential roads north of the A4 would differ greatly to ‘Quiet Routes’ south of the A4. Further, it was agreed that SPC would likely object to any wider strategic transport initiatives or Local Plan decisions that would increase the risk of ‘rat running’ or increasing motor traffic on Saltford’s residential roads, including due to the introduction of bus lanes on the A4 in Saltford and/or on the Keynsham Bypass (with references to SPC’s response to the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) ‘Bristol to Bath’ consultation of autumn 2023 included). SPC also resolved to refer to its previously resolved objection to B&NES Council’s Local Plan Options Consultation proposals to build up to 1,300 dwellings at ‘South Saltford’ and ‘West Saltford’, stating that this would put immense pressure by motor vehicles on existing residential roads, particularly those south of the A4 Bath Road where ‘Quiet Routes’ were marked on the B&NES Council interactive map.

With regards to areas south of the A4 Bath Road, SPC urged B&NES Council to consider in their development of any ‘Quiet Routes’ south of the village to be pragmatic and specifically avoid making potentially disruptive changes in areas where existing active travel already worked well.

With regards to areas north of the A4 Bath Road, including the Saltford Conservation Area, SPC welcomed measures to improve safety for pedestrians and actions that might reduce motor vehicle speeds, but also highlighted that consideration for any measures would need to take into account the historic and natural environment at this area of the village. SPC specifically stated that it would object to actions to ‘rationalise on-street car parking’, any proposals to widen narrow carriageways to provide passing places, and signage that would ‘urbanise’ the Conservation Area’s historic and rural environment. It was also agreed that SPC would request in-depth engagement by B&NES Council prior to any consultation specific to ‘targeted modal filters’ (prevention of motor vehicle access on the highway).

SPC resolved to state that it was likely to welcome measures to reduce speeding and encourage ‘active travel’ on the ‘Quiet Routes’ marked in Saltford outside of the Housing Boundary, specifically on the section of Manor Road between Saltford and Keynsham and on Longwood Lane, following its request to B&NES Council to introduce speed calming and other safety measures at this location in September 2023.

In its response, SPC also requested that B&NES Council take into account views expressed in SPC’s response to B&NES Council’s ‘Creating Sustainable Communities – Journey to Net Zero’ consultation (Item 17, above).

What happens next following the B&NES Council Strategic Travel consultations?

B&NES Council has stated that it will consider all of the responses received and publish a consultation feedback report on both consultation webpages in the future.

B&NES Council state that they will adopt the ‘Creating Sustainable Communities in North East Somerset: The Journey to Net Zero’ plan in winter 2024.

B&NES Council say that they will adopt the Active Travel Masterplan in winter 2024 and use it to guide how it makes decisions around Active Travel.

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