SPC holds first remote meeting on 2nd June 2020 - Saltford Parish Council

A remote (Zoom) SPC meeting took place on 2nd June at 7:30pm, to which the public were welcome to attend. This was SPC’s first Zoom meeting following the introduction of legislation allowing remote meetings.

Link details and information including the agenda were posted here and on SPC’s noticeboard and on SPC’s social media accounts. The meeting addressed pressing items for discussion whilst other matters will continue to be managed using delegated authority (in line with agreed policy).

For future reference, to enter remote (Zoom) meetings, either click the link provided on the agenda then enter the password. Or else go to the Zoom website and enter the meeting ID number and then enter the password, also on the agenda. Details of numbers to phone should you wish to access the meeting by audio only will also be on the agenda, just call the given number and follow the instructions to join. You will then join the ‘waiting room’ and will be allowed in by the host when the meeting starts. If you have any issues accessing the remote meeting, please can 01225 873300 or email clerk@saltfordparishcouncil.gov.uk .

Please note that SPC’s Standing Orders apply to all meetings as usual.

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