(Article last updated: 6 February 2022. See below for cost of living information inc. Citizens Advice Keynsham, B&NES Council grants and energy rebate support, the B&NES Community Hub and more).
The poster below is correct from February 2023 – please see below for more details about Warm Spaces in Saltford:
What is a Warm Space?
Warm Spaces are designated areas within our local community that offer people a space to stay warm this winter.
In due course this page will list all known warm spaces in Saltford.
Saltford Sports Club – Welcoming Wednesdays 1-4pm: There is a welcoming space at Saltford Sports Club which is open to all residents (and dogs!) each Wednesday 1-4pm. Saltford Sports Club says everyone is welcome. They are providing free hot drinks and snacks, plus games, Wi-Fi and large screen TVs. If you can support this initiative with ideas, time, baking, skills etc. or need to get in contact, email: warmspacesaltford@gmail.com.
Saltford Sports Club is located on Wedmore Road, BS31 3BY, access is behind Saltford Hall).
Saltford Hall – monthly events for retired residents and those on their own:
- SCA’s monthly Coffee Afternoons for retired residents (3rd Tuesday of every month, 2-4pm), and;
- SCA’s monthly Sunday Afternoon teas for those on their own (1st Sunday of every month, 2-4pm) both at Saltford Hall.
- SCA at Saltford Hall 10.30-12.30 (every Saturday) – open to all residents
Saltford Community Church – Weekly every Monday 1-3pm from January, free hot drinks and a warm welcome. Saltford Community Church is situated on Norman Road, BS31 3BH, click the link for location details.
Warm Spaces Directory
Please see the Warm spaces directory for other warm spaces open in the B&NES area.
Funding for Warm Spaces
Updated 12/12/22: B&NES Council have closed their applications for funding for warm spaces. Local charity, voluntary or community organisations running a Warm Space in Bath & North East Somerset were able to apply for a £250 grant from B&NES Council’s Community Contribution Fund. information and criteria was at B&NES Council’s Apply for the Community Contribution 2022-23 page. B&NES Council has stated that : “Applications to the Community Contribution Fund for Warm Spaces grants have closed temporarily but will re-open if further funds are generated. Residents who may be looking to make a charity donation this Christmas are asked to consider the Community Contribution Fund (for various projects in B&NES, not just Warm Spaces). Donations can be made at https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/donate-community-contribution-fund“. So far, 14 grants have been approved by B&NES Council and will support the Warm Spaces with costs such as energy, Wi-Fi provision, food and drink and providing activities. For a list of those awarded funding and more information please see the B&NES Council Support for Warm Spaces needed in Bath and North East Somerset this Christmas page.
For more information about Warm Spaces in Saltford and Cost of Living information, please see SPC’s news article here.
Saltford Parish Council opened its Warm Spaces Grant scheme with an end date in January for applications. Saltford based organisations could apply for up to £200 of grant funding. SPC was pleased to award a grant to the Warm Space at Saltford Sports Club so that they could enhance their offer to residents.
Criteria for funding was as follows:
- Any application needs to be in line with SPC’s Grant Application Guide and Policy, however projects that have already commenced (but have not been completed) may apply.
- Grants will not be available to: Individuals; B&NES Council; Political groups or activities promoting political beliefs; Promotion of any religion, faith or belief.
- Any warm space that needs to be within the parish boundary of Saltford with a BS31 3** postcode.
- The Council would particularly favour applications from warm spaces in Saltford listed on the B&NES Council ‘Warm Spaces Register’ and who agree to the Warm Spaces Charter.
- The Council would appreciate – where possible – that Fairtrade refreshments are offered, and would welcome any grant to be used to purchase Fairtrade products
- The end date for applications is 20 December 2022, with any applications discussed at SPC’s 3 January meeting (with any funds released soon after).
- Please email applications to clerk@saltfordparishcouncil.gov.uk (not by post).
Registering as a local Warm Space
If you are a business or organisation who can offer a local warm space please register to become a warm space via the B&NES Council website.
Warm Spaces Charter
Those listed in the directory have signed up the the B&NES Council Warm Spaces charter:
You’ll get a warm welcome as well as Warm Space: Every time you come to a Warm Space you’ll be given a warm welcome from the staff and volunteers there.
Everyone is treated equally, with dignity and respect: Everyone has a right to be warm, so everyone in a Warm Space treats people, and is treated by people, with dignity and respect.
Your Warm Space will be a safe space: Your Warm Space will stick to the safeguarding policies that it always uses, and it will stick to food hygiene rules too.
We’ll not tell anyone about you needing a Warm Space: If you want to share the reasons you need a Warm Space, someone will listen, but they won’t tell anyone else unless you give them permission, or they must because of their safeguarding policies.
It doesn’t matter why you need a Warm Space: Every Warm Space is a non-judgemental space. Whatever the reason you have for needing to come in, you’ll be treated the same and never judged.
Cost of living crisis & helpful information
Worried about the cost of living? Help is out there. The Community Wellbeing Hub can let you know what support is available and you can call them on 0300 247 0050. Anybody who is a Saltford resident (and B&NES resident) can benefit from Hub support.
The team offer a range of support services such as mental health, returning home from hospital, income, housing and benefits advice, emergency food, as well as lifestyle services for help with stopping smoking, getting active or losing weight. Opening hours are from Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm. Call the Hub on 0300 247 0050 or text 07870 868368. You can also email or visit the website.
There is also a dedicated Cost of Living Crisis section on Live Well B&NES, including:
- Cost of living support (benefits, energy, food, debt, childcare, & mental health)
- Support services and organisations
- Paying for care and support, planning for future care costs
- Warm spaces directory
The Government is reminding those in financial difficulty that they can access money and debt guidance for free. Money Helper UK provides guidance based upon individual circumstances.
There is information on: what issues individuals need to deal with first; ways of staying on top of bills; how to find extra support; and where to get extra help.
Citizens Advice (CAB) – Keynsham
Due to the #costoflivingcrisis people are in need of help now more than ever. The Citizens Advice Bureau has put together some resources and links that may be able to help you if you are struggling. See the Citizens Advice Bureau website for a Cost of Living Resource List including help with food, bills, energy, affordable shopping, increasing income, support for people of pensionable age and heating your home.
Saltford’s nearest CAB office is at Keynsham Civic Centre, visit their website at https://www.citizensadvicebanes.org.uk/…/keynsham-office/ , Call Adviceline: Freephone on 0808 278 7897 Monday to Friday 9:30am – 2:30pm (please note that if you call outside open hours you will receive recorded advice) or visit in person at Keynsham Civic Centre, Market Walk, Keynsham, BS31 1FS open Monday: 9.30am – 2pm. Initial drop-ins at CAB offices or phone calls take about 15 minutes as they help you to decide on a way forward. There is no charge for advice from the CAB.
How to get food support in Bath and North East Somerset
Residents in Bath and North East Somerset who are struggling with food insecurity are being reminded of the different ways to get help.
Foodbanks, food pantries, community cafes and community fridges are all available locally for people who need support to feed themselves and their families.
Each service differs in what it offers and there are different routes to access each type of support which not everyone may be aware of, so Bath & North East Somerset Council is signposting people to the help available and how to get it.
A new ‘Affordable Food in B&NES’ matrix has been added to the Bath and North East Somerset Food finder website listing all the food clubs and pantries that offer affordable food or emergency food parcels and their opening times and days covering Monday to Saturday each week.
The food support available includes:
- Foodbanks – free at the point of use and for emergencies where food is urgently needed because a household has little or nothing. They provide mainly store-cupboard ingredients in packs designed to last a household three days and contents can be tailored to people’s needs. A referral and voucher are needed from the council’s welfare support team, the Community Wellbeing Hub or a third party organisation. Food is sourced through donations and additional support services including money advice are often available.
- Food Pantries and Food Clubs – people on very low incomes can join as a member and do part of their weekly shop at very discounted prices. On average, £3-£5 will buy around £15-£20 worth of high quality foods including fresh, chilled and frozen. Additional support services are often available.
- Community Fridges or Larders – free food is provided on a ‘lucky dip’ basis to anyone in need and no referral or membership is needed. Some community fridges also have freezers so can help to distribute fresh, chilled, frozen and ambient food, often near use-by dates. Community larders usually stock ambient foods only. These services also reduce food waste. Many carry leaflets signposting people to other support services.
- Community Cafés – provide healthy eating options at a low cost and help reduce social isolation by bringing people together. They are usually within organisations offering other support services and often offer employment or work experience to people who are vulnerable or who have additional needs.
There are also food-sharing apps that people can download for free including Olio and Too Good To Go
People can donate non-perishable food items to local foodbanks at all major supermarkets, now including Lidl, and some of the local stores. They will have guides to the foods that are most needed.
Bath Foodbank can receive financial donations which can be made online. Drop-off or collection of substantial food donations, from organisations, can be arranged via info@bath.foodbank.org.uk or by calling 01225 463549.
Keynsham Foodbank and Somer Valley Foodbank also accept financial or food donations and welcomes volunteers.
All the affordable food outlets on the B&NES Food Finder welcome support from their local communities and are happy to take enquiries from anyone who has time and resources to offer.
Children who go to a maintained school or academy in B&NES and whose household receives certain benefits may be eligible for benefit-related free school meals. Find out more and apply here https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/apply-free-school-meals
Help to afford the basics such as food, energy costs, and household items is available from the council’s Welfare Support Scheme.
As above, B&NES Council’s Live Well B&NES site has a dedicated Cost of Living Crisis section, including:
- Cost of living support (benefits, energy, food, debt, childcare, & mental health)
- Support services and organisations
- Paying for care and support, planning for future care costs
The Community Wellbeing Hub can be contacted Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Call 0300 247 0050.
Citizens Advice Bath & North East Somersetoffers free, confidential, expert advice on benefits, debt, family, housing and more. Offices are in Bath, Keynsham and Midsomer Norton, or call free on 0808 278 7897.
Free school meals vouchers for Christmas holidays
Families in Bath and North East Somerset who are eligible for benefit-related free school meals will receive vouchers worth £30 per child to help towards food costs in the Christmas holidays.
From December 15 parents and carers will receive an email from Bath & North East Somerset Council offering supermarket vouchers worth £15 per child per week.
People who received a voucher during the October school holidays will receive the email automatically and do not need to reapply.
Once families reply to the email to confirm they want the supermarket vouchers, a second email will be sent containing the links to access the vouchers.
The first email must be replied to within 48 hours of receipt and the links must be converted into the vouchers within two months of the first email having been received.
Anyone who hasn’t received an email from the council by Friday, December 16 at 12:00 should email B&NES Council at freeschool_mealvouchers@bathnes.gov.uk or call 01225 477277 (option 1). People are asked to check their trash or spam folders before contacting the council.
Families who are eligible for benefit related free school meals but have not claimed a voucher previously can make a claim through council’s free school meals vouchers web portal which will open during the afternoon of December 15.
Households in emergency need can access other support with food across the area, including via the council’s Welfare Support Team and the Community Wellbeing Hub.
Bath and North East Somerset residents on low incomes may also be able to claim a one-off payment to help with energy costs. The standard payment is £200 with a higher rate of £300 for households with one or more people who qualify for certain types of benefits to help with disability or care-related needs and expenses. To find out about eligibility and how to claim, visit https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/household-support-fund
New grants to help low income households with energy and living costs
People on low incomes are invited to apply for grants of up to £300 to help with energy and living costs from a new scheme launched by Bath & North East Somerset Council on 1 December 1.
Residents on income related benefits or combined household income from earnings and pensions of less than £500 per week will be able to access one off grants of £200 per household, increased to £300 where someone within a qualifying household receives certain disability benefits.
To qualify for the payment, residents must have combined household income from earnings and pensions of less than £500 per week or be in receipt of one of the following benefits:
- Universal Credit
- Income Support
- Pension Credit
- Income related Employment Support Allowance
- Income based Jobseekers Allowance
- Tax Credits
- Pension Credit
- Housing Benefit
- Council Tax Support
Residents must also have a permanent address in Bath and North East Somerset and have savings and capital of less than £6,000.
The council is using its allocation of the Government’s Household Support Fund to finance the scheme, which means that the number of awards that can be made are limited. Applications will be assessed in order of receipt.
The funding allocated to the council is not enough to provide grants to full time students who live in B&NES, unless they receive one of the qualifying income related benefits.
Residents who think they qualify for the scheme should visit https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/household-support-fund and fill in the online form. Anyone unable to access the online application form can request a paper copy or complete it over the phone by calling the Benefits team on 01225 477277.
Meet experts in energy advice at monthly pop-up in Bath
Residents can also get help managing their gas and electricity bills and find out about any financial assistance which may be available. Residents on low incomes can find out if they are eligible for energy related home improvement grant schemes such as Bright Green Homes, which could fund the installation of insulation, glazing, heat pumps or solar panels. See our news article Find out about help with energy bills – monthly pop-up in Bath with energy experts
B&NES Winter Holiday Activity Food (HAF) Delivery
For details of free holiday activities for all children and young people aged 5-16 years who receive benefits related free school meals click here. The link below will take you to their promotional video which they made after the summer delivery https://we-activate.co.uk/activate-your-holiday/
Radstock Food Club Affordable Christmas Recipe Guide
The Radstock Food Club has created an affordable Christmas Recipe Guide which the SCA is raising awareness of. A Christmas Week Meal Plan for two people costing £14.71 per person based on £38.87 needed at the tills can be found online here.
Some residents to receive further energy rebate support
Residents in Bath and North East Somerset who are on a low income or receive benefits and are eligible for council tax reduction will soon receive an extra payment to help towards their energy costs. The awards are being made by Bath & North East Somerset Council from the Government-funded discretionary council tax rebate fund, which did not receive as many applications from residents as expected. B&NES Council is using the remaining funding to make payments of around £17 to all residents who are eligible for council tax reduction. The payments will be made directly into people’s bank accounts or by crediting their council tax accounts by November 30. Residents who do not pay their council tax by direct debit will be able to request a refund from the B&NES Council Tax team via the council website at https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/claim-refund-your-council-tax. Anyone who needs further assistance should telephone B&NES Council on 01225 477277.